True giving is with Two Hands

I met with a dear friend and we spent the weekend in Solana Beach had the pleasure of visiting his store, the David Alan Collection. 

Rooms filled with artifacts, history, craftsmanship, artistry, and more. I have yet to travel around the world. However, it was here I felt like a traveler. Traversing the continents within four walls.

Out of his generosity he gifted us these beautiful shamanic coats that were cut from a blanket that was Japanese Indigo Dye. What came through was this concept of giving with two hands. In the literal, physical sense was such a draw to me. In a more profound way, it struck a cord with how little we give in this way.

I reflect on all the times I gave a gift out of obligation of holidays, birthdays, wedding anniversary’s and more. Why is it that gifts are so often given with these strings attached? And, if there are strings attached, is it really a gift that is given?

So, the point of writing this is really quite a simple experiment. It goes like this, next time you give something to someone.. do it with two hands and see how you feel. It may truly brighten someone’s day, and your own.




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